Please Support Ukraine

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Russian Federation Invaded Ukraine from North, East, and South Without Declaration of War

Our hearts ache as the great evil, injustice, treachery, and killings impact millions of our peace-loving nation. Many lives, including our family members and friends who live in Ukraine experience horrors of war firsthand.

Russian air force is systematically bombing infrastructure of every major city. Russia is shelling cities and villages with heavy artillery, including self-propelled reactive rockets on all front lines. With the Russian occupational forces moving in, the Ukrainian Army is fighting Russian occupational personnel on land, air, and sea.

First and foremost, we ask all people whose hearts ache and sympathize with us to join in prayers for peace. 

We pray asking God Almighty:

  • To stop the bloodshed
  • To give the Ukrainian Army strength and vigilance protecting Ukraine
  • To give Ukrainian allies courage to help Ukraine protect its democracy, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
  • To give Russian Federation wisdom to recognize the grave evil that it introduced to every family in Ukraine
  • To give Russian Federation courage to stop substituting truth with wide system of lies and propaganda
  • To give Belarus repentance for aiding and abetting Russian Federation in this attack
  • To give Russian Federation repentance
  • To give Ukraine repentance
  • To give our affiliate churches in Ukraine courage to serve all people proclaiming the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord

We welcome you to join prayer service every Thursday at 7pm 

Regardless of nation you belong to...
Regardless of your race...
Regardless of ethnicity you belong to...
Regardless of language you speak - we have English live translation available

Glory to God! Peace to All!

Please Donate
Our church is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization. Upon your donation, you will receive a confirmation email which you may use for tax purposes.

100% of all donations will be sent to Ukraine to help displaced families, humanitarian missions, sister churches, hospitals, and rehab centers.

Our hearts are overwhelmed by the support and encouragement that we received. Over the past few days, we received overwhelming emotional and monetary support from our American friends and neighbors, who continue to donate money and goods to support Ukraine in this horrid war - Thank you, all!

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the war (the fact that Russian Navy is blocking and bombing Ukrainian sea ports), we simply cannot predict how slow or fast we can get the goods to Ukraine. Therefore, monetary donations would benefit the most at the time. We will be able to purchase goods in neighboring countries and drive them across the Ukrainian border to speed up the process.

May God bless you and your families. May God bless the United States of America and the Ukraine!

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